UDT exam forklifts – exam questions

O kursie
Is the WJO category II forklift exam keeping you awake at night? Would you like to pass it 100%? You’ve come to the right place!
We have prepared a platform where you can test your theoretical knowledge without leaving your home. Test yourself during the UDT exam simulation!
Our database consists of approx. 250 questions on the operation of technical devices: lift trucks with mechanical lifting drive, excluding boom trucks and trucks with an operator lifted together with the load.
What do we guarantee?
- unlimited attempts at tests
- after each exam we will show you the correct answers – so that you know which questions are still difficult for you.
24/7 access to the platform - additionally, we include study materials in the price – to make learning even easier
- the platform also works on mobile devices!
- in case of inaccuracies – we will not leave you in the lurch, write to us and we will try to help you!
What is the UDT theoretical exam for forklifts?
The culmination of each forklift operator course is the forklift exam, organized by the Commission of the Office of Technical Inspection. To take it, the participant must meet the basic requirements, i.e. be over 18 years old and have no medical contraindications to work as a forklift driver. During such an exam, the participant must answer exam questions from the theoretical scope.
What does the UDT theoretical exam for forklifts look like?
After receiving the test and the answer card, you have 30 minutes to complete the exam. That’s a lot of time! You must answer 11 out of 15 questions correctly. After submitting the test, the examiner checks the answers and you immediately receive information whether you passed and move on to the next stage of the exam – the practical exam. NOTE! Without passing the theoretical exam, you cannot move on to the practical exam! That’s why it’s worth applying yourself to learning the theory.
Don’t let yourself be fooled!
There are many free websites with UDT questions in the depths of the Internet – but most of them are not updated! The regulations change from year to year – also in the field of UDT. We update the database of questions and check their correctness. Therefore, when learning on our tests, you are sure that you are learning on current regulations and examples.
Are you our student?
During the training, you will definitely receive a code – thanks to which you have UDT tests completely free of charge! Don’t have a code? Ask your trainer!
In addition, you always have the learning materials at hand – log in and you’re done!
And if you have any questions, you are not sure how to use our platform – contact us!
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UDT forklifts
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UDT theoretical exam – forklifts